Five Star Wrestling Presents

The First Ever Card

The Thanksgiving Spectacular

Jason:  Hello everyone and welcome to Five Star Stadium!  You are witnessing the first ever program on the pallet of Five Star Wrestling.  This is your announcer, Jason Ray, and tonight we will witness the first ever matches of Five Star.<the crowd goes wild> But first we have a few words from our President and owner, Mr. Ray McCain!

<"Rocked You Like a Hurricane" by the Scorpions begins blaring over the arena as the president makes his way in a cloud of cheers to the ring.  He enters and is handed a microphone.>

Ray: Hello Everyone!  Welcome to the Thanksgiving Special! <the crowd cheers>  Now I have a few words before tonight's matches get underway.  <The crowd quiets down as he begins to speak>  You are all in the Five Star Stadium, which I have graciously built to be the home of Five Star.  Next door is McCain tower, and inside that tower are several special floors that we will use to bring the ultimate in extreme wrestling to you! <the crowd cheers> Before I leave I have another announcement!  Not only does this card go on tonight, but also during the football games tomorrow!  That's right!  The winners of tonight's matches will face each other in a last two standing match at the end of the night! <the crowd gets louder> The winners of this match will face each other Saturday in this arena for the Super Heavyweight title!  <He pause as the crowd reaches a new level of loud>  So without further ado! Let's get this going!  <he drops the mic and heads to ringside and sits next to Jason.>

Jason: How about that folks!  Before our next card we will have our first champion!  We do have the best President!

Ray: Thats's right Jason!  I thought that I'd make today worth while for our wrestlers.  I have scouted the best in professional wrestling to bring here!

Jason: You sure have.  Here comes the first match with JC Hunter and Back Draft Billy James.

Match 1: J.C. Hunter vs. Back Draft Billy James

["Tear Away" blares as Back Draft Billy James shows his stuff as he makes his way to the ring.  After he is in the ring for a few seconds, his music cuts out and a Brass and Drum Corps comes out from the back and begins playing a really loud march.  After they begin to march to the ring, J.C. Hunter struts out of the back and makes his way to the ring.  The Brass and Drum Corps leave and both wrestlers begin jumping around getting ready to start.  The referee rings the bell.]

Jason:  And here we go.

[JC and James run to each other and grapple at center ring with JC winning the grapple and throwing James into the ropes.  As James runs near him, JC tries to clothesline him, but James ducks it and kicks JC in the back.  James then proceeds to attack JC will a fury of fists before the ref breaks it up.  James then throws JC into a corner.  James runs toward him and tries to hit JC who moves out of the way letting James hit the corner head on.  James is stunned as he turns around and JC climbs the first turnbuckle and hits James in the head.  The crowd counts with him as he hits him ten times.]

Jason: JC has really shown us some good stuff in the first few minutes of this match.

Ray: He sure has, and I would expect nothing from a man of his stature.

[After JC hops down he turns and kicks James in the stomach.  JC walks over to the ropes and begins yelling at the crowd as James hits the floor.  While JC's back is turned, James staggers to his feet and hits JC in the leg, knocking him to the mat.  There is a little commotion in the crowd as Shawn Strike makes his way from backstage to the ring.  In the ring, JC is getting attacked by James.  James throws JC into the ropes and then executes a missile drop kick.  JC falls the mat.  James climbs the corner and is about to execute a flying elbow drop when Shawn Stryke pulls his foot off of the turnbuckle and James falls to the mat.  JC stands up and walks over to James and picks him up.]

Jason: That was a cheap shot by Shawn Stryke.  Back Draft had this match won.

Ray: That's the point of this Federation...not too many rules.

Jason: Whatever you say bossman.

[JC walks over and picks up James.  He begins by taking James up in a pump handle pick up and then executes The End, a swinging DDT.  JC then covers and gets the 3 count.  The crowd goes wild.]

Winner: J.C. Hunter

Jason: What a win by JC Hunter!  Even though he did have a little help from Stryke.  But what is happening now?

Ray: Well it seems that Stryke and JC are taking the beat-up body of Back Draft somewhere.

[JC and Stryke pick up the unconscious James and begin to take him out of the arena.]

Jason: Well we will check with them periodically through the show.

Ray: Yep, I have just order a camera team to follow them.  Now on to our next match.

Jason: Lets hope that it lives up to the first match.  Andulin vs. Turyn.

Match 2: Andulin vs. Turyn

[Turyn walks calmly as his music plays to the ring, slapping a few hands.  When he reaches the ring he begins to climb in but Andulin explodes out of the back and attacks Turyn before he can climb in the ring.  They battle outside of the ring for a few seconds before Andulin throws Turyn in the ring and follows after.  The bell rings.  Turyn stands up as Andulin approaches him and they begin exchanging blows.  Neither wrestler gives up the brawl until Andulin gains the upper hand and throws Turyn into the ropes.  He executes a clothesline to Turyn and knocks him to the mat.]

Jason: How about that for a beginning!  This match has really go the crowd cheering!

Ray: It sure has!  I can't wait to see how this plays out!

[Turyn kicks Anduin from the mat and tries to get up.  Andulin is quick to react and is able to knock him back down and tries to get a pin fall.  He only gets a two count before Turyn kicks out.  Andulin quickly gets to his feet but they get knocked out from under him.  Turyn staggers to his feet and begins kicking Andulin who catches his foot and pulls him down.  Andulin jumps up and picks up Turyn.  Andulin sets up for a suplex, but instead executes a jackhammer powerslam.  Andulin covers and gets the 3 count.  The fans erupt in excitement at the explosive end to the match.]

Winner: Andulin

Jason: What a match!  That was some of the best, and quickest fighting I have ever seen.

Ray: We are here to present the best.  <he pauses> I understand that we have an update on what happened to JC and Back Draft.

[The titantron comes alive with JC and Stryke carrying Back Draft out the back doors and loading him in the back of a van.  Then the images fades out and we see JC and Stryke unloading Back Draft and carrying him into the doors of a building.  The camera pans up and it says "Arkham Prison."  The scene fades out.]

Jason: It appears that JC has carried Back Draft off to the local maximum security prison.  Any ideas on what is going to happen?

Ray: I have no idea, but I think the crowd likes it. <The camera pans the crowd as Ray talks.>  We'll just have to wait and see what happens.

Jason: I guess so.  Here comes out next two combatants.  Psy and Sic Anthax!

Match 3: Psy vs Sic Anthax

["Dare to be Stupid" by Weird Al Yankovic blares over the crowd as Pasy makes an explosive entrance to the ring.  The runs down and jumps through the ropes and rolls on the mat.  He jumps on the corner and raises his hands as his music begins to die down.  It is replaced by a a loud, heavy metal riff as Sic Anthax makes his way to the ring.  They stand at opposite ends of the ring as the ref calls for the bell.]

Jason: Quite a miss match we have here today.  Anthax looks like a giant compared to Psy.  If Anthax gets a hold of him, this may be a short match.

Ray:  Anthax may be big, but he is slow.  I'd say that Psy's speed more than levels the playing field for this match.  We should see some nice wrestling.

Jason: Whatever you say.  The bell is ringing, get it on!

[Anthanx walks confidently from his corner, standing tall trying to intimidate Psy with his height.  He offers Psy a test of strength that is accepted.  Anthanx is overpowering Psy, when Psy slides beneath him and kicks the back of his legs sending the big guy stumbling.  Psy jumps up and runs at Anthax who turns just in time to be kicked in the stomach and sent into the corner.  Psy attempts to jump up and attack Anthax's head.  Unfortunately, Anthax just pushes Psy off of his perch and knocks him to the mat.  Psy recoils off of the mat and tries to kick Anthax once again, but is blocked and sent flying to the mat.]

Jason: A few fast moves by Psy to start, but Anthax is just to powerful for him.

[Anthax walks over to Psy and picks him up.  Anthax puts Psy in his arms and power slams him to the mat.  Psy bounces before finally stopping.  Anthax walks over and once picks Psy up but this time gets surprised by a kick to the jaw and falls backward.  Psy jumps back and uses the ropes to propel himself into Anthax's chest.]

Ray: Impressive comeback eh Jason?

Jason: Yes, but how long will it last?

[Anthax falls over and Psy grabs his legs and begins hitting the knees with repeatedly.  Anthax yells in pain but is able to regain himself long enough to kick Psy off.  He rolls over and get hit by another kick from Psy.  Psy quickly covers and gets a long two count before Anthax pushes Psy up and off of him.  Psy tries to hit him again, but he gets knocked off and grabs Psy be the throat.  Anthax picks him up and choke slams him down.  Anthax falls beside him and lays his hand on Psy's chest.  The ref counts three.]

Winner: Sic Anthax

Jason: That match was almost perfectly matched.  You were right Mr. McCain, but I hope that someone will wake him up before the four way at the end of the night.

Ray: Speaking of the four way, lets see if we can get an update on JC.

[The titantron once again comes to life once again.  This time we see JC throwing Back Draft into a cell and locking the door.  Back Draft comes too almost as soon as he hits the floor.]

JC: How do you like it in the cell?

Back Draft: You better let me out of here!

Stryker: Why? We thought you'd like it in there with your new friend.

Back Draft: What are you talking about

[JC and Stryker point at a big man at the back of the room.]

Back Draft: Oh no!  Let me out of here you little shits!

Stryker: No, I don't think so.  You may have the shits when you get out.  Don't take it to hard, JC needs ot get back.  Bye.

JC: Bye loser.

[He spits at Back Draft and they both leave.  The last thing we see and hear is Back Draft yelling as the scene fades.]

Ray: Looks like he is going to have a sore ass tomorrow!

Jason: How can you say that?  He is going to get massacred by that guy!  What if he sues?

Ray: He won't.  Let's just get back to the show.  Here comes a match that should be interesting, Iceberg vs Raijj.

Jason: <near hoarse> Should be a good one, both big and well built.  I bet we will see a heavy hitting match.

Match 4: Iceberg vs. Raijj

[A slow, steady drumbeat and low brass chorus rings through the arena as the entrance way fills with a misty fog.   A dark figure emerges from the entrance and makes his way slowly and methodically to the ring with his head looking down.  Once he is there he goes to the center and explodes outward with his arms and his long black hair as blue flames explode from the corners.  Once the excitement from his entrance has died down,  "Runaway" by Linkin Park blares over the arena as Raijj makes a hasty entrance and runs to the ring.  Iceberg is waiting for him as he slides in.  The bell rings.]

Ray: And were off on the last singles match of the night!

[After a few hits by Iceberg, Raijj is able to get to his feet and they lock up.  Raijj head butts Iceberg and sends him flying into the ropes where he kicks him in the chest.
 Raijj picks him up and sends Iceberg into the ropes again, but Iceberg comes out and lands a haymaker on Raijj.  Iceberg then send Raijj into the corner and runs into him at full speed.  Raijj is winded as Iceberg takes him to center ring and suppleness him.  The sound echoes through the arena.]

Jason: We may have to reinforce the ring after this match!  This is a heavy hitter!

[Iceberg gets to his feet but is rapidly taken down by and ankle lock and Raijj jumps on top and being to hit him in the head.  Raijj stands and picks up Iceberg, Raijj missile drop-kicks Iceberg in the chest and sends him back down.  Raijj goes over and elbow drops Iceberg.  Raijj goes for the pin but only gets a one count before Iceberg powers his way out.  Both men get to their feet and lock it up.  Iceberg wins and send Raijj into the ropes, he then kicks him in the gut and executes a swinging neck breaker.  Iceberg picks up Raijj and sends him into the ropes again, Raijj clotheslines Iceberg from the ropes and then kicks him while he is down.  Raijj then picks up Iceberg and set p for a supple.  He tries to take Iceberg up but gets reversed and Iceberg suppleness him.  Iceberg staggers to his feet, picks up Raijj and kicks him in the gut.  Iceberg then grabs Raid's head under his arm and picks him up, but half way through, executes the Ice Crusher DDT and covers for the three.]

Winner: Iceberg

Jason: What a match!  We have seen the best tonight!

Ray: And its not over yet! Ray takes off the headset, grabs a mic, and enters the ring with Iceberg.>  Ladies and Gentlemen, it is time for the main event!  Tonight we will have a 4-way last two standing match!  The rules are simple, you must knock out or get a pinfall on your opponents, the last two standing advance to the title match tomorrow night!  Now let's intro duce our combatants.  First, Iceberg! <the crowd cheers as Iceberg raises his arms and wipe sweat off of his forehead>  Second, Sic Anthax! <Anthax makes his way to the ring in a crowd of cheers> Third, Andulin! <Andulin follows in the same way as Anthax> And last but not least, J.C. Hunter! <The crowd erupts as JC makes his way to the ring> Now lets get it on!

Match 5 : Iceberg vs. Sic Anthax vs. Andulin vs. J.C. Hunter

[The wrestlers are lined up in the corners when the ref calls for the bell.  The wrestlers separate into pairs and begin poundiong on each other.  Iceberg begins pounding on Sic Anthax and JC attacks Andulin.  Iceberg lands several powerful punches to Anthax before knocking him in the corner.  When Iceberg goes in to attack Anthax kicks him in the gut and then throws Iceberg in the corner.  Anthax then starts kicking Iceberg in the gut.  Meanwhile JC kicks Andulin in the gut and executes a swinging neckbraker.  JC then kicks Andulin while he is laying on the ground before jumping on top of him and beating him.]

Jason: This should be a great match!  I almost feel sorry for the losers, they are going to get pummled!

Ray: You mean Andulin and Anthax? They may need assistance afterward.

[Anthax is on the other side attacking Iceberg.  They begin to exchange blows before Iceberg attacks Anthanx and startsw to beat him.  He takes Anthax up in a suplex and smashes him into the mat.  JC takes Andulin and executes The End and gets the quick three early on and then goes over and attacks Anthax.  JC and Iceberg take him up in a dual suplex, and after that Iceberg picks him up and executes the Ice Crusher.  Iceberg picks up Anthax again and throws him in the corner.  Iceberg puts him on the top turnbuckle and climbs up.  He then gives Anthax a bearhug and leaps from the top with him in it.  Iceberg covers and gets the three.]

Winners: J.C. Hunter and Iceberg

Jason: There you have it folks!  Thats it for tonights edition of Five Star Wrestling!  Comeback on Saturday for our special Title match between JC and Iceberg!  I'm Jason Lee.

Ray: And I'm Ray McCain, Have a good night and see you on Saturday.

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