[The camera fades in on an empty arena with the ring set up in the center.  It pans the titantron and through the stands as it turns and centers on the ring which now has one lone person standing in it.  The camera zooms in on the face of President Ray McCain]

Ray: Welcome one and all to the first ever title match in the Five Star Wrestling Federation.  <His voice echos throughout the empty arena>  First out to our empty ring is Iceberg!

[A slow, steady drumbeat and low brass chorus rings through the arena as the entrance way fills with a misty fog.   A dark figure emerges from the entrance and makes his way slowly and methodically to the ring with his head looking down.  Once he is there he goes to the center and explodes outward with his arms and his long black hair as blue flames explode from the corners.]

Ray: Very nice...And next in our match is the one and only J.C. Hunter.

[JC makes his way from the empty entrance to the in a crowd of dancing girls with a strange asain music playing in the background.  Once in the ring the music queits down and the girls leave.  JC turns to Iceberg and they begin brawling almost before Ray can make it out of the ring.  He sets down at the empty commentators desk and puts on the headset.  In the ring, Iceberg and JC are exchanging blows before Iceberg gets the upperhand and knocks JC into the ropes.  He then grabs JC and throws him into the other rope and attempts to clothsline him, but JC ducks and bounces off the other rope.  Iceberg puts his foot behind him and catches JC in the stomach sending JC flying back to the rope.  Iceberg clotheslines him off of ropes and both go flying to the floor.  Outside of the ring they battle before JC sends Iceberg flying into one of the walls at ringside.  Iceberg rolls over the wall as JC runs at him and gets pummeled as JC lands on top of him and the chairs buckle under them.  JC is the first to his feet and kicks Iceberg in the side before he stands up.  Iceberg tries to get to his feet but is kicked again before he gets to one knee.  As Iceberg stand up JC swings a chair at him, but it gets blocked and instead Iceberg uses the chair on JC.  The smack of the metal on JC's head echoes in the arena.  Iceberg picks up JC and throws him into the the metal walkway.  Iceberg walks over and picks him up and punches him. They end up exchanging blows once again as they climb the ramp.  Once they are at the top JC kicks Iceberg in the gut and then DDT's him to the hard steel.  JC kicks Iceber in the gut once again as he tries to stand.  JC picks up Iceberg and attempts to lift him in a suplex, but ICeberg reverses and executes the Ice Crusher.  Both men fall to the mat, but JC's hand lands on Iceberg's chest.  JC gets the three count.]

Ray: What a match!  I hope all the title bouts are as good as or better than that one!  There you have it folks, J.C. Hunter is the first ever Super-Heavyweight Champion of Five Star Wrestling!

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