Action Damage*
Standard Punch or Open-handed Hit (1d3) + str mod
Kick to Body or Head Butt (1d4) + str mod + [style mod]
Any other kick, Clothesline, Body Slams (1d6) + str mod + [style mod]
Submission Hold**(not finisher) (1d3) per 15 sec
Submission Hold**(finisher) (1d6) per 15 sec
Suplex, DDT, Chokeslam, Tombstone, Powerbomb (1d8) + str mod + [size mod] + [style mod]
Finisher***(off top turnbuckle or rope), Jackhammer (1d10) + str mod + size mod + [style mod]
Finisher***(power) (1d12) + str mod + size mod

Done Through/With/Into Damage Increased By
table 1d6
steel chair, stairs (1d8) + {str mod}
concrete floor 1d6
Belt (1d6) + {str mod}

The algorithm used to derive Hp will be as follows:

((Height in inches) + Weight) / 3 + style mod.

Where height is the height of the wrestler in inches. So a 5'4" wrestler would be 64 in. tall. The style mod will be taken from the table below.

High Flyer Technical Powerhouse and Brawler
Derived Hp
(Base: 4'5" 125lbs)
Modifier Derived Hp
(Base: 4'5" 125lbs)
Modifier Derived Hp
(Base: 5'0" 150lbs)
<=60 +10 <=60 +20 <=70 +30
61-65 +5 61-65 +15 71-75 +25
66-75 +0 66-75 +10 76-85 +20
76-85 -10 76-85 +5 76-85 +15
86-95 -20 86-95 +0 86-95 +10
96-105 -30 96-105 -10 96-105 +5
>=106 -40 106-115 -20 106-115 +0
>=116 -30 116-125 -10
>=126 -20

Each style will have its own set of special characteristics. A complete list of these is not yet available at this time but a partial list can be found below:

Highflyer Mods