Wrestler Stats
Fight Cards
Join Five Star Roleplaying/Challenge Rules and Regulations

General Rules
How Do I Win?


This is a list of general rules I ask to be followed while roleplaying and interacting with others.

  1. Offensive language will only be tolerated to a point.
  2. Roleplayers are only allowed 5 to 6 wrestlers, and need at least 1 tag tem to have more than 3.  Remember you need to roleplay for all your wrestlers when you decide how many you want to submit.
  3. You cannot kill, maime or otherwise injure anything in a roleplay.  Leave the violence to the cards.
  4. Any disputs over the matches will be sent to me or the commisioner directly before any decision is made.
  5. Do not use any forgien object that may be considered taboo (i.e. condoms or used tampons) in roleplays.  Its not only rude but disgusting to imagine.
  6. Please refrain from using anyone elses characters in roleplaying unless the other roleplayer has explictly said it is ok.
  7. Any addtions, retractions, events, and storylines must be mailed to me so they can be incorporated into the overall story and cards.
  8. Don't get bent out of shape if things do not go your way.  Its only a game and luck is the determining factor for the winners.

How Winners Are Determind

The winner of every match will be determind using the d20 system of roleplaying.  In this system, dice rolls determine the outcome of certain events.  For a brief explanation of the d20 system click here .  Roleplaying plays an important role so the frequency and quality of roleplays will always be used in determining the winners of a match by giving modifiers to the rolls of the dice.  The dice will be rolled as follows:

Undercard Matches:
Winners in each undercard match will be determind by a roll of the 20-sided die.  Each combatant will be rolled for and have modifiers(mods) added to the number on the die.  The winner will be the wrestler with the highest value.  If the dice rolls are equal then the match is a draw.  For a list of the given modifiers go here.  

Main event Matches:
Winners in each main event will be determind by a battle using a combat system similar to Dungeons and Dragons.  Each combatant will have each action rolled for and a system of damage and hit point loss will be used. Various modifiers will add to the attacks of each combatant.  The winner will be the wrestler whose hit points do not get reduced to zero.  If the hit points are close, within 5 of each other, then the match may be a draw.  For a list of the modifiers and HP and damage determination go here.  

Special Matches:
In matches dubbed  special matches, each major event in the match will be rolled for with percentile dice and recieve a value 1-100. which will corespond to a value on a list of events.  These events will have mod values that will be added(or subtracted) to the wrestler's starting mod value(s).  The winner will be determind in the same fasion as above after the events occur.

Natural 20 Rule:
If in detemining the winner of an undercard match the 20-sided die lands on a "natural" 20 (that is a 20 is showing) the wrestler for whom the dice was rolled will recieve an automatic +3 mod and will be rolled for again. If the natural 20 occurs in rolling for a main event or special match, the next action will suceed with great results(ie A reversal of a submission hold or kicking out of a pin and knocking your opponent out). All finishing moves are considered critcal hits and the damage on them will be doubled, tripiled, or even quadrupled depending on the match thus far. 


We reserve the right to change the outcome of any match and to include extra matches with wrestlers that we make up to take up room on any card with too few matches.  If we feel the result of a match is not worthy of the actual roleplayer we may reverse the decision or call the match a draw.

(c) 2003 Iceberg Unlimited Web Design